Linguaphone Italian All Talk and Travel Pack Beginner Bundle 6 cd's and Phrasebook

Linguaphone Italian All Talk and Travel Pack Beginner Bundle 6 cd's and Phrasebook
Linguaphone Italian All Talk and Travel Pack Beginner Bundle 6 cd's and Phrasebook

Linguaphone Italian All Talk and Travel Pack Beginner Bundle 6 cd's and Phrasebook


Italian AllTalk Complete All-Audio Course 4 cd version

plus you get Linguaphone Travel pack on 2 cd's, plus  phrasebook-- with lessons for the traveler and language student  going to Italy, whether it be Florence, Rome or Venice.

Get it today, and get ready for your next trip to Paris. 

All Audio - learn on the go! Instruction is presented in an all-audio format on 16 digitally-recorded CDs. You have the opportunity to learn anywhere, taking advantage of time normally wasted. Study in your car, while exercising, doing yard work - anywhere you can safely listen to a CD player. No accompanying books are needed to help you complete the lesson activities.


Linguaphone's team of professional writers have created a unique and entertaining storyline that will keep you motivated as you work through the 16 hours of French learning joy. Learning a language does not have to be dull - and it's certainly not when you're immersed in the ups and downs of real-life characters!

With Linguaphone’s unique learning sequence: Listen, Understand, Speak, you will find yourself actually using the language in no time at all! You are presented with a unit of the language, it is then broken down and explained to you, then you put it back together - with greater understanding than just repeating what you may not have understood in the first place. You don't just study the language - you gain real proficiency in using your new language!

Quite simply, learning a language from an audio only course has many benefits. You will learn the language in a completely natural way, in the same way that you learned to speak English as a child -by listening and speaking. This allows you to develop your oral and aural skills to a far higher level. You will gain confidence and develop an exceptional understanding of what you hear, without the temptation to see the words before daring to use them - which, ultimately, is the way to securing an authentic accent and a well-trained ear.

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