Watch Environmental TV Channels

  Environmental TV

Permaculture.TV Free Video Cooperative
A TV channel and website with information about sustainable practices and farming, with both archived clips and a live stream.
Permaculture video on Vimeo
Full-length version of documentary focusing on a Permaculture Design Course conducted by Rico Zook in Cambodia during December 2008. The course was organised by the Singing Tree cafe and community in Siem Reap.
Planet Green
Planet Green covers environmental topics and offers video from shows like Emeril Green, Operation Wild, My Place, Planet 100, Renovation Nation and many others
Garden Girl TV
Produced by Patti Moreno, the Garden Girl: "Garden Girl TV provides the breakthrough solution for the next generation vegetable garden and a new paradigm for a healthy, conscious lifestyle. My how to videos include gardening tips,in information on raised bed gardening, organic gardening, and container gardening."
Herbal TV
Learn about about medicinal and healing herbs, with informative videos.
13 episodes from a famous series: "40 years ago, a small crew of filmmakers set out to document some of the more pressing issues involving wildlife in America. They made eight half-hour films around the country–it ended up being the first environmental tv series in the US. Shot in 1969, the issues weren’t new, but hadn’t been handled much yet on television–the medium had yet to embrace the environmental movement."
Veg TV
Videos abour vegetarianism and video recipes and such. Many people may not know that eating a vegetarian diet saves energy consumption for the planet by about 400%. "VEG TV is a state of the art, streaming video web site all about great food, good health, and the energy to enjoy it. At VEG TV we show you how easy it is to make great meals without animal products of any kind."