Free Italian Ebooks

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Italian Ebooks: Electronic Books and Literature Online

Google Books: Italian Literature in the Public Domain
A listing of public domain Italian language literature, browsable online or downloadable in image PDF format, from the Google Book initiative.
Vittorio Alfieri | Dante Alighieri | Gabriele d'Annunzio | Lodovico Ariosto | Cesare Beccaria | Giovanni Boccaccio | Giordano Bruno |Benvenuto Cellini | Benedetto Croce | Ugo Foscolo | Galileo Galilei | Giacomo Leopardi | Cesare Lombroso | Niccolo Machiavelli |Alessandro Manzoni | Vilfredo Pareto | Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) | Luigi Pirandello | Lorenzo Da Ponte | Girolamo Savonarola |Torquato Tasso | Giambattista Vico | Leonardo da Vinci

Project Gutenberg: Browse By Language: Italian
Project Gutenberg was the original ebook project and catalog on the web, starting well before the advent of the WWW, and paralleling the Free Software Foundation in its goals and values. It is still the largest collection of ebooks, all available in plain text and HTML, as well Plucker formats for handhelds, and in audiobook formats as well (MP3, Ogg, etc.) in a variety of languages.

Antologia (frammentaria) della Letteratura Italiana
Contains full text in Italian of major works : Nuova Vita, I Promessi Sposi and Decameron, and so on.
Biblioteca dei Classici Italiani
Extensive site dedicated to classical Italian literature, divided into Works, Biographies, Introductions, which highlight the peculiarities of the work in question, and the Sources themselves.
Dartmouth Dante Project
The Dartmouth Dante Project (DDP) is a searchable full-text database containing more than seventy commentaries on Dante's Divine Comedy - the Commedia.
The Decameron Web
Site devoted to Boccacio's Decameron, with basic biographical information on Boccaccio as well as information on the history of the time period. It provides full-text access to the Decameron in English and Italian, and is enhanced with commentary, maps and a bibliography.
Digital Dante Project
Dante scholarship and editions online from Columbia Unversity, with The Divine Comedy, other writings by Dante, image collections, other resources. Fully searchable, annotated and indexed.
Divine Comedy Research Edition
This site features 27 full editions of the Divine Comedy online: the original Italian text, English translations by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Rev. H.F. Cary, and translations in German and Finnish. Annotations from the Cary and Longfellow editions are also available. The texts can be viewed in a variety of facing page, or parallel, formats. Graphics from Gustave Doré, Salvador Dali, and Sandro Botticelli are available to enhance your reading. There are also maps of the afterlife, and sample illuminated manuscript pages from printed versions of the Divine Comedy.
Duecento: Italian Poetry from the Origins to Dante
Duecento is a large e-text archive where you may perform searches in the texts, browse the works of all authors classified by poetic schools, and get information on the offline version of the file, which you can download and run on your computer.
Etexts: Biblioteca Elettronica
Biblioteca Elettronica provides "great works that we ourselves "downloaded" from the web, and in many cases "cleared" from their redundant formatting (which magnified the scale, with negative effects on the speed of the download)".
Liber Liber: Biblioteca (progetto Manuzio)
A non-profit cultural association whose aim is the promotion of any kind of artistic and intellectual expression, in an attempt to draw humanistic and scientific culture together through the qualified use of informatic technologies in the humanistic field. Includes the Manuzio project, which makes Italian texts freely available in a downloadable format.
Nuovo Rinascimento
Nuovo Rinascimento includes electronic texts of Renaissance works by Italian authors, essays, bibliographies, teaching materials and equipment as they are generally relevant to history, literature and culture. The data is freely available to anyone wishing to consult, use, disseminate them for reading and study; however commercial use is not permissible.
Opera del Vocabolario Italiano
The Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (OVI) textual database contains 1849 vernacular texts (21.2 million words, 479,000 unique forms), the majority dated prior to 1375, the year of Boccaccio's death. The verse and prose works include early masters of Italian literature like Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio, as well as lesser-known and obscure texts by poets, merchants, and medieval chroniclers. The OVI database was created to aid in the compilation of an historical dictionary of the Italian language, the Tesoro della lingua italiana delle origini, (portions of which are now available online).
Ebook archive to Italian literature for free downloads, with description and biographies of the authors.
WESSWeb: Italian Language & Literature
Western European Studies Section entry for Italin Language and Literature.
The World of Dante
The World of Dante is a multi-media research tool intended to facilitate the study of the Divine Comedy through a wide range of offerings. These include an encoded Italian text which allows for structured searches and analyses, an English translation, interactive maps, diagrams, music, a database, timeline and gallery of illustrations. Many of these features allow users to engage the poem dynamically through the integrated components of this site.