ASL Tales and Games for Kids, CD-3: Leash Lane

ASL Tales and Games for Kids, CD-3: Leash Lane

ASL Tales and Games for Kids, CD-3: Leash Lane


Paws takes us to Leash Lane, where the police station and post office are and there's a story involving a school bus, too! Come see the stories and play games with us!


Minimum System Requirements:

  • Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7

  • CD-ROM drive 16x

  • 250 MB hard drive space

  • Color SVGA monitor that supports at least True Color (16 bit)

Signing (video) and ⁄ or audio are options for accessing stories, instructions, and other information. A deaf actress signs each sentence dressed as Paws. Any word that is colored blue can be seen individually signed. Each story has three games, which reinforce early developmental skills in such areas as categorization, memory, spelling, literacy, visual processing, mathematics, and creativity. A picture dictionary of the sign ⁄ English vocabulary used in the stories can be viewed and printed.

Neighborhood children are deaf, hard of hearing, or multiply disabled, and represent different ethnic groups. Recommended for ages 3-8.

In CD-3, Leash Lane, stories focus on the school bus, police station, and post office. The Pawstown school bus travels around the community picking up the neighborhood children. Math, map-reading, and directionality skills are reinforced as the kids Hop on the Bus! Children are exposed to different kinds of questions that ask them to think about facial detail, an important part of ASL grammar, when Horatio goes to the police station to report, My Best Friend is Missing! Facial expressions that clarify adjectives and visualization ⁄ observational skills are reinforced. We have heard the refrain, Is It There Yet? Muffy learns patience as she finds out how our mail reaches its destination when she orders a t-shirt through the mail. This story focuses on learning the names of the week and sequencing of events, conceptually and in ASL.