ASL Tales and Games for Kids, CD-2: Biscuit Boulevard
ASL Tales and Games for Kids, CD-2: Biscuit Boulevard
Minimum System Requirements:
Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7
CD-ROM drive 16x
250 MB hard drive space
Color SVGA monitor that supports at least True Color (16 bit)
Signing (video) and ⁄ or audio are options for accessing stories, instructions, and other information. A deaf actress signs each sentence dressed as Paws. Any word that is colored blue can be seen individually signed. Each story has three games, which reinforce early developmental skills in such areas as categorization, memory, spelling, literacy, visual processing, mathematics, and creativity. A picture dictionary of the sign ⁄ English vocabulary used in the stories can be viewed and printed.
Neighborhood children are deaf, hard of hearing, or multiply disabled, and represent different ethnic groups. Recommended for ages 3-8.
In CD-2, Biscuit Boulevard, stories focus on the theater, restaurant, and department store. Through Whitney’s aspirations to become a great actress, On Stage!, we learn how adjectives are modified in ASL to show the intensity of emotions (e.g., happy, very happy). Many signs look similar to other ones. Watch how the waitress confuses what Chiu-Chin wants for dinner in Menu Mix-up. Jurry and Josh, the Pawstown twins, befuddle a department store salesman who thinks that the children are actually one child who keeps changing his mind and wantsDifferent Clothes. Notice that the signs in the story, like "shoes," are signed with the same hand shape on each hand – “twin signs.”