Baqdinta Cudruka Daacuunka/ The Cholera Scare (Somali)

Baqdinta Cudruka Daacuunka/ The Cholera Scare (Somali)

Baqdinta Cudruka Daacuunka/ The Cholera Scare (Somali)


Baqdinta Cudruka Daacuunka/ The Cholera Scare

A beautifully illustrated Somali children's book that explains the challenges of awareness and outlines how to prevent this deadly disease.

“Cholera is a very bad disease. It causes pain in the stomach and loss of body water through vomiting and diarrhea. It makes a person very weak. It can make a person die if not treated urgently.”

“What is an outbreak?”  “An outbreak happens when an 
infectious disease spreads fast or affects many people during a particular time,”.

Published by Scansom Publishers in 2019