Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego Board Game

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego Board Game

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego Board Game



Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? is a mystery/geography board game that will be a sure-fire hit with all your supersleuths.

Detectives earn the right to race around the world map printed on the board by answering geography questions ranging from the deducible--"With 500 islands, how many islands make up the country of Japan?"--to more challenging: "Name the Irish city that has a funny five-line rhyme named after it." Players can either answer the question directly, earning a five-space move, or correctly answer a multiple-choice question to move three spaces. The winner is the first agent to reach the criminal's hideout. Geography buffs will also enjoy National Geographic's Pictures of the World Card Game. This game is for two to six players.