Hispanic Heritage Set

Hispanic Heritage Set

Hispanic Heritage Set


Unique package of all of our products pertaining to Hispanic Heritage and Culture!

Hispanic Heritage Set

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  • Hispanic Heritage Set


Minimum System Requirements:

  • Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7

  • CD-ROM drive 16x

  • 250 MB hard drive space

  • Color SVGA monitor that supports at least True Color (16 bit)

This unique package of information contains everything 
you need to teach a unit or help preserve Deaf Hispanic Heritage and Culture.

The kit includes 6 CD-ROMs. Each can be viewed in English or Spanish text and audio with ASL video translations:

  • Tomados de la Mano CD I: Three folktales from Spanish-speaking countries—The Laughing Skull, The Four Brothers’ Adventure, and How Birds Got Bright Feathers.

  • Tomados de la Mano CD II: Three folktales from Spanish-speaking countries—The Singing Sack, Juan Bobo and the Three-Legged Pot, and The Singing Toad.

  • Tomados de la Mano CD III: Three folktales from Spanish-speaking countries—The Bilingual Cat, Turtle and Coyote, The Parrot That Could Speak Two Languages, and The Ram in the Chili Patch.

  • The Deaf Hispanic-American Dream (Sueño Sordo Hispano-Americanos)

  • We Like a Good Celebration! (Somos Muy Fiesteros!)

  • Mexican Sign Language ⁄ American Sign Language Translator

Handouts of recipes, information about sign languages from Spanish-speaking countries, references, resources, and activities for parents and teachers.