Naukan Yupik Eskimo Dictionary-English
Naukan Yupik Eskimo Dictionary-English
Naukan Yupik Eskimo Dictionary-English by Dobrieva, Elizaveta A. ; Golovko, Evgeniy V. ; Jacobson, Steven A. ; Krauss, Michael E. Naukan is spoken by the Yupik Eskimo people of East Cape, Siberia, across Bering Strait from Alaska's Seward Peninsula. The language has prehistoric roots in Alaska and is an intermediate link between Central Alaskan Yup'ik and Siberian/St. Lawrence Island Yupik. The dictionary was compiled by native Naukan speaker Elizaveta Dobrieva, how of Lavrentiya; Russian linguist Evgeniy Golovko; and ANLC linguists Steven Jacobson and Michael Krauss. Work going back as far as 1732 was incorporated. It is available in Naukan-to-Russian and Naukan-to-English editions. Includes maps, bibliography, index. Edited by Steven Jacobson. Language: Naukan Yupik (NY01)