Receive a Free USB Flash Drive Language Course
Here’s How It Works
Once you receive the Language Course on USB, send us your written review (recommended 500 words)
You can also send a video review or any other related unique content.
Your review will be published to our website and YouTube channel
After your review is submitted, you will get a second opportunity to review and receive a free language product between $10 - $25.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our give away, and please contact us for more info at

Put down your wallet, because you don’t need it for our free language courses.
Even if you are juggling work, family, school and feel as if you do not have another second to space in your day or living on a tight budget, learning a foreign language is not out of reach anymore.
Expansion of the internet and advances in smartphone technology has tucked all the knowledge of the world right on your pocket. E-learning language courses make your fluency simpler to accomplish than ever.
You will find an abundance of excellent free resources for learning about any language you could think of. So if you have been searching for a high-quality online language lessons to fit your budget, you have come to the perfect place!
Multilingual Books will be offering a free language course give away. Yup, we are giving away free language courses on USB flash drives composed of hours of audio mp3s, and pdf text to teachers, bloggers language tutors, YouTubers, and other promoters.
We are very happy to say we have already offered at least 10,000 FREE course downloads to libraries and teachers around the globe. Every individual and institution can pick up to ten from our list. Those downloads can be utilized for professional development, classroom use, personal or any other purpose..
Are you one of those people who want to learn different languages? You are in the right place! With Multilingual Books, we will offer you a chance to learn a different language because we are offering a free give away! Yes, you read that, right!
Get quick and free shipping on the most cost-efficient way to learn and understand new languages. You could now get top-notch language content for a very reasonable price in a very eco-friendly format – a reusable USB Flash Drive!
Sounds interesting, isn’t it? But wait, there’s more!
Our Language Flash Drive Features
Today, you could easily learn any language and be able to save money with our digital downloads of first-class language courses and foreign books. Below are the features you will get with our flash drives:
High-quality reusable USB flash drives