Italian Online Language Dictionaries
Italian Translation Engines |
Google Translate Tool - Translate text or a web page from Italian to English, or English to Italian, plus a number of other languages. Links in the page translated with the web page translator will also render in the new language. | Online Translation Engine - Translation service with free online translations of text from Italian to and from English, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, with a large variety of technical and specialty lexical databases. | Translation Engine - Translate text from Italian to English and vice-versa, plus a number of other language combinations. |
Bowne Global Solutions iTranslator - Translate text from Italian to English and vice-versa, plus a number of other language combinations. |
Italian Dictionaries |
Garzanti Linguistica - Online monolingual Italian dictionary; requires registration | - A series of online dictionaries, encyclopedia and atlas provided by De Agostini; monolingual Italian, linguistic reference, synonyms, and Italian-English bilingual dictionaries. |
Larousse English-Italian Dictionary - A comprehensive reference tool for a complete understanding of the italian language, with over 100,000 terms. |
I Grandi Dizionari On Line - Searchable online dictionary with over 500,000 terms in both Italian and English. |
Freedict Italian-English Dictionary - Bilingual dictionary with 11,000 terms. | Italian-English Dictionary - Bilingual Italian-English dictionary, site also includes Spanish-English, French-English, and monolingual English dictionaries |
LingvoSoft Italian-English Online Dictionary - Bilingual Italian-English dictionary; site also includes a multilingual dictionary with 25 languages. |
Ectaco Online Italian-English Dictionary - Italian-English bilingual dictionary; site also includes 21 other languages. |
R-O-Matic Italian/English Dictionary - Small searchable bilingual Italian-English dictionary, suitable mostly for learners. | Italian Dictionaries - A collection of free Italian bilingual dictionaries for English, Czech, French, German, Norwegian Bokmal, Russian, and Slovak. Browsable online, with word searches, and downloadable data files. |
Dejudicibus Italian Software Dictionaries - A number of freeware software dictionaries for Italian, with many different vocabulary sets. Interface in Italian, with English instructions. |
Medical and Technical |
Glossario di Economia e Finanza - Definitions of financial term in Italian and English in HTML format. |
Dizionario di economia aziendale - HTML glossary of economic terms without index, single page, from Italian to English |