Japanese Online Language Dictionaries

 Japanese Translation Engines

Google Translate Tool - Translate text or a web page from Japanese to English, or English to Japanese, plus a number of other languages. Links in the page translated with the web page translator will also render in the new language.
Translated.net Online Translation Engine - Translation service with free online translations of text from Japanese to and from English, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, with a large variety of technical and specialty lexical databases.
Dictionary.com Translation Engine - Translate text from Japanese to English and vice-versa, plus a number of other language combinations.


  Japanese and Japanese-English Dictionaries

Nihongo: Japanese Language - Simplified interface to Jeffrey's Japanese-English Dictionary Server.
POPjisyo - Provides a web based pop-up dictionary for Japanese, Chinese, Korean and other languages. Enter a URL or text, then simply move the mouse over the words you want to look up.
Tangorin Online Japanese-English Dictionary - With five main glossaries with over 1,000,000 entries and 150,000 example sentences that you can search through using English, Japanese, hiragana, katakana, kanji, romaji or romanized Japanese.
RomajiDesu English Japanese Dictionary and Converters - RomajiDesu contains the following useful tools for Japanese learners: a Japanese-Romaji-English dictionary, an English Japanese Kanji dictionary, a Romaji to Hiragana converter and Romaji to Katakana converter, and a Japanese to Romaji converter.
Sanseido Web Dictionary - Searchable Japanese dictionary, includes kokugo, ei-wa and wa-ei dictionaries.
GOO General Japanese-English Online Dictionary - Bilingual Japanese-English dictionary; Japanese interface only.
Freedict Online Japanese-English Dictionary - Japanese-English bilinguary dictionary; uses the EDICT dataset.
Dict.info Japanese Dictionaries - A collection of free Japanese bilingual dictionaries for English, Czech, French, German, and Slovak. Browsable online, with word searches, and downloadable data files.



  Kanji and Kana

Kanjidict 1.7.0 - Bilingual Japanese-English kanji dictionary with a number of different datasets.
Kana Chameleon - Quick and dirty kana conversion by Gary Benson; just enter romaji and hit Convert.
Learn Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana - Learn to speak, read, and write Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana for free.



  Japanese and Other Languages

Dictionnaire français-japonais - French-Japanese online bilingual dictionary; interface is in French.
WaDokuJT Japanese-German Dictionary - Huge Japanese-German dictionary with both Mac and Windows freeware executables, also downloadable in HTML format; requires the Stuffit Expander from Alladin (link on site) to decompress. Versions of this dictionary can also be found on this site, which includes an English interface.
Longdo Japanese-Thai Dictionary - The first online Thai-Japanese / Japanese-Thai dictionary development project was initiated by The Association of Thai Professionals in Japan (ATPIJ), and became a research project at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in 1999 - and has now recently merged into the Longdo multilingual Thai dictionary project.



  Downloadable Japanese Dictionaries

JpDic v1.0 Japanese-English Dictionary - Downloadable freeware Japanese-English bilingual dictionary based on EDICT dataset; requires Windows XP/2000 and the .NET framework.


  Medical and Technical

Japan Surgical Society Dictionary - Medical terms and their definitions in Japanese.
MEDO (Medical English Dictionary Online) - Short medical glossary
An English-Japanese Dictionary of Electrical Engineering - With over 30,000 entires.
eWord IT Dictionary - Information technology terminology in HTML indexed format.
JAANUS : Japanese Architectural and Art Historical Terminology - In both English and Japanese