Libraries of E books in German

German Ebooks: Electronic Books and Literature Online

Google Books: German Literature in the Public Domain
A listing of public domain German language literature, browsable online or downloadable in image PDF format, from the Google Book initiative. 
George Buchner | Jacob Burckhardt | Friedrich Engels | Theodor Fontane | Sigmund Freud | J.W. von Goethe | Franz Grillparzer | Gerhart Hauptmann | G.W.F. Hegel | Heinrich Heine | J.G. von Herder | Friedrich Hoelderlin | E.T.A. Hoffman | Hugo von Hofmannsthal | Carl Jung |Immanuel Kant | Gottfried Keller | Heinrich von Kleist | Karl Kraus | G.E. Lessing | Karl Marx | C.F. Meyer | Friedrich Nietzsche | Novalis |Friedrich Schiller | Arthur Schnitzler | Arthur Schopenhauer | Theodor Storm | Frank Wedekind | Franz Werfel | C.M. Wieland 

Classici Stranieri: German
A collection of German ebooks in various formats, an offshoot of the Gutenberg Project. 
Classics of German Literature
German literary history and literary eras from the Baroque to the present. 
Erlang Listing of German Digital Texts
Comprehensive directory of ebooks and digital texts in German, with scholarly literature, newspapers and magazines, and so on. 
Learn German on the Net: German Literature
Listing of resources for and about German literature.
Website community for German authors and readers, with 50,000 free stories and poems, more than 100,000 reviews of works, EBook and Audiobook download, and prose and poetry by over 3,500 authors. 
UB Bielefeld: Zeitschriften der Aufklarung: Suche
Retrospective digitization of scientific review bodies and literary magazines of the 18th and 19 Century from the German language area, with a search form to find authors and works. The search index is the result work on the "Index deutschsprachiger Magazines 1750-1815" by the Göttingen Academy of Sciences 
University of Michigan's Literatur & Philosophie Links
Comprehensive listing of links to online texts of German literature, poetry, philosophy, and other writings. 
VCU: 19th-Century German Stories
Web editions for language learning and literary study, many with cartoon illustrations, also a page with quizzes, and glossaries. 
Voice of the Shuttle: Literatures (Other Than English): German
A website for research in the humanities, and their listing of German literature. Audiobooks
Free audiobooks in MP3 format for download. 
Wikisource in German
Wikisource is an online library of free content publications, collected and maintained by the community, with 30,000 texts in the German language library. Compendium of German Literatures
An extensive listing of German literature and world literature translations into German, with biographies, history, and texts, all in German.