Oceanic Online Language Dictionaries

  Samoan Dictionaries

Samoan Alive Dictionary - Online HTML Samoan-English dictionary, adapted from the Learners Samoan Dictionary by Mautanoa Lisi Va'ai.
A Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language - Online HTML version of Reverend George Pratt's A Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language, with English and Samoan vocabulary, from the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre.
Samoan Expressions and Phrases - Basic phrases and expressions in Samoan, useful to travellers and language learners.



  Maori Dictionaries

Wakareo Maori-English Lexicon - Searchable bidrectional Maori-English dictionary with constant additions; requires subscription.
H. M. Ngata English-Maori Dictionary - Online searchable bilingual Maori-English dictionary, with definitions and example phrases for each words defined.
Natural History Maori Dictionaries - Searchable dictionary of Maori natural terms.



  Kiribati/Gilbertese Dictionaries

Hale's Tarawan Vocabulary (1846) - HTML version with alphabetical index of the first known description of Gilbertese, published in 1846, in the Ethnology and Philology volume of the report of the U.S. Exploring Expedition 1838-42, compiled by Horatio (Emmons) Hale.
A Combined Kiribati-English Dictionary - Alphabetized online HTML dictionary, based on the works of Hiram Bingham, D.D., A Gilbertese-English Dictionary and Father Ernest Sabatier, M.S.C., Gilbertese-English Dictionary. (translated by Sr. M. Oliva), with additional scientific material from Luomala, Goo & Banner.
An English-Kiribati Finderlist - HTML Kiribati-English dictionary with alphabetical index.
Kiribati-English Glossary - HTML Kiribati-English glossary from the Peace Corps Kiribati course.



  Other Oceanic Language Dictionaries

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary - The Marshallese-English Online Dictionary (MOD) is a revised and expanded electronic edition of the Marshallese-English Dictionary, developed in 2009. MOD is intended to be a "living" dictionary, which will be modified and expanded to include new entries, definitions, examples, and features. To this end, users are encouraged to submit suggestions and comments via the email links at the bottom of any page.
Delaporte's Nauruan Dictionary (1907) - Online HTML version of Rev. Ph. A. Delaporte's German-Nauruan dictionary, indexed by the English equivalents for the German words, making it a trilingual Nauruan-English-German dictionary.
C. Maxwell Churchward's Rotuman Grammar and Dictionary - Searchable bilingual dictionary for Rotuman-English, based on C. Maxwell Churchward's Rotuman Grammar and Dictionary, first published in 1940.