Podcasts in Chinese

Podcasts From All Over The World!
Podcasts have become overwhelmingly popular in the last few years, and more and more audio and video content has been been uploaded to the Internet. There are now numerous podcasts in foreign languages other than English, which gives the language learner more opportunities to hone their knowledge of languages, by listening to podcasts in the form of audio blogs, archived radio programs, free language lessons, and other format. We are here listing a number of podcasts as RSS/XML feeds listed in a page. With the magic of RSS- and XML-based feeds, it is easier than ever for people to share their information with the world. If you have any questions or can't find what you need, please e-mail us at sales@multilingualbooks.com.


  Chinese Language Podcasts

Chinese-Tools.com - Apprendre le Chinois  (Education)
Chine-Nouvelle.com  (Education)
Haiwang Yuan's Podcasts:  
Princess Remy  (Audio Blog)
LearnchinesePod.com | Learn Chinese  (Education)
Let's speak Chinese!  (Education)
podcast.bokee.com  (Audio Blog)
SBS Mandarin Program  (News)