Portuguese Online Language Dictionaries
Portuguese Translation Engines |
Google Translate Tool - Translate text or a web page from Portuguese to English, or English to Portuguese, plus a number of other languages. Links in the page translated with the web page translator will also render in the new language. |
Translated.net Online Translation Engine - Translation service with free online translations of text from Portuguese to and from English, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish, with a large variety of technical and specialty lexical databases. |
Dictionary.com Translation Engine - Translate text from Portuguese to English and vice-versa, plus a number of other language combinations. |
Portuguese and Portuguese-English Dictionaries |
Portoeditora Portuguese-English on-line dictionary - Bilingual dictionary with more than 600,000 searchable words, approximately 235,000 definitions, expressions and example sentences. Interface in Portuguese; requires registration. |
Michaelis Moderno Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa - Online dictionary of Modern Portuguese. Interface in Portuguese, with dictionaries for Portuguese and English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.. |
Corrector Sintáctico e Ortográfico Online - Syntax correction for Portuguese. Interface in Portuguese. |
LookWAYup Dictionary - Portuguese-English dictionary, also includes English-Portuguese; click "More" for thesaurus and synonyms; double-click a word in the definition to define it. |
LingvoSoft Portuguese-English Online Dictionary - Bilingual Portuguese-English dictionary; site also includes a multilingual dictionary with 25 languages. |
Freedict Portuguese-English Dictionary - Bilingual Portuguese-English Dictionary. |
Ectaco Online Portuguese-English Dictionary - Portuguese-English bilingual dictionary; site also includes 21 other languages. |
Dict.info Portuguese Dictionaries - A collection of free Portuguese bilingual dictionaries for many languages. Browsable online, with word searches, and downloadable data files. |
Dictionary of Portuguese slang - Online dictionary of Portuguese slang, original title Dicionário aberto de calão e expressões idiomáticas. Interface in Portuguese. |
Medical and Technical |
Dicionario Medico - Monolingual Portguese medical dictionary. |
Portuguese Dictionary of Places and Names - Monolingual Portguese geographical dictionary. |
Portuguese Dictionary of Foreign Words - Monolingual Portguese foreign loanwords dictionary. |