Tamil Online Language Dictionaries

 Tamil Dictionaries

Online Tamil Lexicon With TSCII Interface - Type any word in TSCII Tamil (Tamil Standard Code for Information Interchange) using Anjal or eKalappai, or type any English word (select English input) to find equivalent Tamil words.
Sanskrit, Tamil and Pahlavi Dictionaries - The OTL can be searched for Tamil as well as English words, and consists of more than 130,000 entries, among them all the main entries in the Madras Tamil Lexicon (TL) and Supplement (TLS), and their English meanings.
Johann Philipp Fabricius's Tamil and English dictionary - Online searchable edition of J. P. Fabricius's Tamil and English dictionary, ed., rev.and enl. Tranquebar: Evangelical Lutheran Mission Pub. House, 1972. Includes Tamil and Roman alphabets; in order to display the non-roman characters a Unicode font must be installed.
Na Kadirvelu Pillai's Tamil Moli Akarathi - Online searchable edition of Kadirvelu Pillai, Na. Tamil Moli Akarathi. N. Kathiraiver Pillai's Tamil Moli Akarathi: Tamil-Tamil dictionary = Na. Kathiraiver Pillayin Tamil Moliyakarati: Tamil-Tamil akarathi, 6th ed., rev. and enl. Cennai: Pi. Ve. Namacivaya Mutaliyar, 1928. Includes the Tamil alphabet; in order to display the full range of diacritics a Unicode font must be installed.
David W. McAlpin's A core vocabulary for Tamil - Online searchable edition of David W. McAlpin's A core vocabulary for Tamil. Rev. ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: Dept. of South Asia Regional Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1981. Includes Tamil and roman alphabets; in order to display the non-roman characters a Unicode font must be installed.
University of Madras Tamil lexicon - Online searchable edition of the University of Madras Tamil lexicon, [Madras], University of Madras, 1924-1936. Includes Tamil and roman alphabets; in order to display the full range of diacritics a Unicode font must be installed.
Miron Winslow's A comprehensive Tamil and English dictionary - Online searchable edition of Miron Winslow's A comprehensive Tamil and English dictionary of high and low Tamil, Madras: P.R. Hunt, 1862. The "Errata" included with A comprehensive Tamil and English dictionary have been applied to the data when this text was converted into a database. Includes Tamil and roman alphabets; in order to display the full range of diacritics a Unicode font must be installed.
Kapruka English-Sinhala-Tamil Online Dictionary - A comprehensive English to Sinhala and Tamil dictionary, with over 28,000 terms defined.
English-Tamil Dictionaries in PDF Format - Downloadable dictionaries for English-Tamil Dictionaries in PDF Format.
English-Tamil PDF Dictionary


  Tamil Literature and Resources

TamilNation: Tamil Language & Literature - Resources on the Tamil language and its heritage of literature.
Tamil Electronic Library - The Tamil Electronic Library is a website designed to provide comprehensive information on nearly all topics of interests to Tamil Diaspora (History, Language, Script, Arts, Dance, Music, Cinema, Literature, major Tamil Portals, ...