Learn Modern Greek Foreign Service Basic DOWNLOAD

Learn  Modern Greek Foreign Service Basic DOWNLOAD
Learn  Modern Greek Foreign Service Basic DOWNLOAD

Learn Modern Greek Foreign Service Basic DOWNLOAD


Learn to speak and understand Greek whether you are traveling or trying to communicate with a new friend. 

You can get started today with an instant download or get fast and free shipping on the flash drive also available in a book and CD Course. 

This course is one of the few that is comprehensive enough to help you become fluent.

The Foreign Service Institute program is designed to give students a command of spoken and written Greek. It lays a solid foundation for comprehensive language skills, and provides systematically for the development of reading proficiency based on oral skills. Comes with over 12 hours of native speaking audio.  Learn more about the Foreign Service Method.

Now we have FSI Greek as an instant download and flash drive, featuring audio in MP3 format and text in PDF format.

Level 1 has the equivalent of 16 CDs and a book; Level 2 the equivalent of 18 CDs and a book, with the recordings in MP3 audio files and the text in PDF format (There is also a Level 3 in CD and book format).

Get 1 level or all 3 levels for only $20 more.