Harry Potter Portuguese -Harry Potter e As Reliquias Da Morte
Harry Potter Portuguese -Harry Potter e As Reliquias Da Morte
You can read Harry Potter in Brazilian or Continental Portuguese now, all seven volumes are available. We now deliver Box sets in a nice gift box. This is the last book in the seven the Deathly Hallows in Portuguese
Harry Potter e As Reliquias Da Morte
or order the whole set. we have many other languages available for Harry Potter.
The titles in Portuguese are
Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal
Harry Potter e a câmara dos segredos
Harry Potter e o prisioneiro de Azkaban
Harry Potter e o cálice de fogo
Harry Potter e a ordem da fénix
Harry Potter e o enigma do Principe
Harry Potter e as reliquias da morte
Here is a video about translating Harry Potter into Portuguese.