LEC Translate Korean
LEC Translate Korean
Translate Korean Personal
Translate as You Type

Translate Korean Personal gives you quick, easy translation of:
- Documents
- Websites
- Blogs
- Emails
- Chat
- Instant Messages
Translate Korean Personal provides bidirectional translation between English and Korean.“Translate” Features:
- Accuracy, using the world’s most accurate translation engines.
- Premium Service
- The LEC Floating toolbar lets you translate as you work
- One-click website translation.
- One-click Instant Message (IM) translation.
- Automatic language identification identifies the source language
New Features and Improvements
- Greater speed and accuracy Details:
- Speech-to-text Details:
- Text-to-Speech Details:
- Hover Translation Details:
- Translate Selection Details:
- Text Capture Details:
Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
60-505 MB for single language