Responding Effectively to 9-1-1 TTY Calls – Training DVD

Responding Effectively to 9-1-1 TTY Calls – Training DVD

Responding Effectively to 9-1-1 TTY Calls – Training DVD



Training DVD for 9-1-1 responders on TTY users. Explains deafness, TTY usage and possible language differences.



The 58-minute Training DVD has been divided into four segments:

  1. Who are the Deaf and Hard of Hearing?

  2. How to Use a TTY

  3. Understanding Language Differences

  4. Responding to Emergencies

The training program encourages inclusion of the Deaf Community in your efforts to provide optimum service and good will. As a means of achieving this goal, the DVD has been closed captioned. Each segment is clearly marked with a title screen at the beginning of the segment. Text from actual 9-1-1 emergency TTY calls is used throughout to give trainees exposure to the kinds of calls they might be receiving at their PSAP.