Stories We Live By Koyukon folktales

Stories We Live By Koyukon folktales

Stories We Live By Koyukon folktales

Bekk'aatugh Ts'uhuney / Stories We Live By by Attla, Catherine ; Eliza Jones ; Axelrod, Melissa Caterine Attla heard these Koyukon folktales and spiritual stories during long winters when she was young. Although not originally intended as children's stories, this collection has been used as a language-learning aid in schools. The 18 texts were transcribed and translated by Eliza Jones and Melissa Axelrod and illustrated by Cindy Davis. They include legends of the Great Raven, who shaped the world, as well as Lynx and Willow Grouse. In Koyukon with English on facing pages. Language: Koyukon (KA15)