Yup'ik Phrase and Conversation Lessons

Yup'ik Phrase and Conversation Lessons

Yup'ik Phrase and Conversation Lessons

Yup'ik Phrase & Conversation Lessons by Jacobson, Anna Commonly used phrases and short conversations are clearly pronounced by Yup’ik speaker Anna Jacobson. Any accompanying guidebook written in Yup’ik with English translations allows readers to follow as each phrase or sentence is pronounced, and time is allowed to repeat the Yup’ik. Lessons range from simple greetings to more advanced conversations involving asking directions, taking a steambath, meetings between parent and teacher and between doctor and patient, travel, and housing arrangements. Other topics include sounds of the language, greetings, the weather, kinship terms, and tools. Includes bibliography. Packaged with two CDs. Language: Central Alaskan Yup'ik (CY13)